Areas Covered

Labor Law

We provide technical excellence related to all aspects of the labor system to our clients, legal entities, and individuals. Our work involves the administrative, advisory, and litigation areas, whether judicial or extrajudicial, integrating legal rules to client needs.

Our team is prepared to keep our clients updated on changes in labor legislation and case law, with the aim to reduce risks and any impacts related to labor relations.

We serve clients from all segments and accumulate relevant experience in the most diverse business sizes and sectors, such as food and beverage, trade, finance, industry and telecommunications, among others.

How can we contribute?

  • Proposition and defense of labor claims.
  • Assistance in the preparation and review of internal policies and Codes of Conduct.
  • Analysis of labor contingencies related to the company’s internal routines and procedures in Human Resources, including lectures and training in the onboarding of employees responsible for labor relations.
  • Monitoring of issues related to the work environment, with emphasis on occupational health, illnesses, and accidents in the workplace, as well as hazardous and unhealthy work conditions, in compliance with Regulatory Standards.
  • Advice on alternative forms of hiring, including expatriation, outsourcing, and cooperative processes.
  • Support in corporate operations for the preparation of due diligence, as well as for analyzing the company’s compliance with the best labor practices, contributing to the reduction of contingencies, and suggesting the adoption of safe routines.
  • Advice on the equalization of positions and wages and harmonization of benefits.
  • Advice on corporate reorganization processes and transfer of employees between companies.
  • Union negotiation and formalization of collective bargaining agreements.
  • Acting before the Public Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Labor and Welfare.
  • Protection of the assets of companies and partners of companies in the execution and matters of employer civil liability.
  • Adequacy of special working conditions, fixed-term employment contracts, compensatory working time, retention of strategic and qualified professionals.
  • Preparation of profit-sharing programs and stock options.
  • Consulting and opinions on labor legislation.


Divergences between the STF and TST on pejotization

In an article for Revista Consultor Jurídico (ConJur), partner Alexandre Fragoso Silvestre talks about the news that has emerged about STF decisions that change previous TST and TRT decisions. These decisions mainly deal with the recognition of employment relationships for workers hired as legal entities. “The case being discussed must be closely connected, correlated, bring the same facts, so that it can then have its merits assessed. In other words, in order to allow pejotização, for example, of doctors or any other liberal professional, it…

Law created during the pandemic could be a shortcut to preserving jobs in Rio Grande do Sul

In a comment to InfoMoney, partner Alexandre Fragoso Silvestre talks about law 14.437, created during the pandemic, which could be a shortcut to preserving jobs in Rio Grande do Sul. “Thanks to the law, many jobs were preserved and companies were able to keep their cash flowing. Unfortunately, the tragedy that is now striking the state of Rio Grande do Sul is also very big and will certainly depend on all help to recover,” Alexandre recalls. Check out the full story at

Law 14,611, of July 2023, and equal pay

Law No. 14,611 was published, bringing a new angle to wage equality and remuneration criteria between women and men who perform work of equal value or perform the same function, as well as amending the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), which now provides for a fine of 10 times the amount of the new salary owed by the employer to the discriminated employee, and increased to twice as much, in case of recurrence, without prejudice to other legal sanctions. In addition, the same law determines…