Imagem Gustavo de Toledo Degelo


Gustavo de Toledo Degelo +55 11 91361-2052

Areas of expertise


  • Specialist in Tax Law from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
  • MBA degree in Tax Management from the Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (FIPECAFI)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU)


portuguese, english e spanish

Gustavo’s related news

Fact-checking STJ ruling does not impose taxes on individual income tax refunds

Coordinator Gustavo de Toledo Degelo commented to Reuters on the STJ decision that upheld the levying of PIS and COFINS on the corrected amounts of taxes returned to taxpayers. “It was already an understanding unfavorable to the taxpayer and favorable to the tax authorities that the STJ decided to unify and standardize in order to leave no doubt. The STJ maintained its understanding and now other judges must apply this STJ decision: PIS and Cofins are levied on the Selic portion of the amounts returned…

Taxation of profits and dividends: legislative change

In Brazil, the distribution of profits and dividends calculated based on the results calculated by the companies is not subject to income tax. In practice, corporate entities tax their profit with a nominal rate, as a rule, at the rate of 34% (income tax “IRPJ”, its additional IRPJ and social contribution on net profit “CSLL”), but their distribution to domestic partners and shareholders is exempt, causing no further taxation. This exemption originates from a legislative change in 1995, with the enactment of Law 9249/95, which…