Imagem Ana Clara Martins Fernandes


With more than 6 years in the Family and Inheritance area, he has worked in large Family and Inheritance and Wealth Planning offices, focusing on judicial and extrajudicial procedures, conflict resolution and prevention, especially in cases with an asset focus on divorces, inventories and shares.


  • Postgraduate in Civil Procedure from the Faculty of Damásio (Ibemec/SP);
  • Postgraduate in Family and Succession Law from the Faculty of Damásio (Ibemec/SP);
  • Graduate in Law from the Faculty of Damásio (Ibemec/SP).

Ana’s related news

Does the embryo have rights? New Civil Code could regulate fertilization and surrogacy

In an article for InfoMoney, lawyer Ana Clara Martins Fernandes talks about the innovation brought about by the reform of the Civil Code in the field of family and succession law, when it comes to filiation and the use of genetic material. For Ana Clara, the new wording ensures that the will of the deceased person is clearly understood, avoiding ambiguous interpretations and providing more legal certainty. “These are very positive changes that aim to adapt the Civil Code to the new social and technological…