A couple is in a stable union and one of them receives an inheritance. In the event of separation, do these assets come into the equation?

In an article for Correio Braziliense, lawyer Samantha Teresa Berard Jorge clarifies that, in a stable union without a contract, inheritances are not included in the division of assets, but their fruits can be shared.

“The inheritance received during the stable union does not enter into the division of assets in the event of separation, following the partial communion regime, unless the inherited assets are converted or replaced, and it is crucial to document these changes,” explains Samantha.

Check out the full article at https://www.correiobraziliense.com.br/direito-e-justica/2024/06/6876497-namoro-uniao-estavel-e-casamento-entenda-os-detalhes-e-diferencas.html

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